Questions You Might Have About Hiring An In-Home Senior Care Service

If a loved one in your life is growing older and is no longer able to care for themselves at home, you may wish to hire an in-home senior care service. These professionals can provide your loved one with services that allow them to remain in their home, in a safe and healthy manner, for longer, rather than having to go into nursing care. Since this is probably a process you have not gone through before, it is normal to have a few questions, such as the following. [Read More]

Home Health Companies Offer Caregiver Options

If your aging loved one is unable to live alone, or if he or she needs specialized medical treatments, a home health company can help you choose which type of caregiver might be right for your loved one's personal situation. Whether your aging loved one requires around-the-clock monitoring, or if he or she simply needs occasional help, home health companies have options to fit many caregiving situations. Here are some services that home health caregivers can offer. [Read More]

In-Home Care For ADL Help

Many elderly individuals wish to stay in their homes for as long as they can. Some of them, however, are unable to independently perform their activities of daily living, or ADLs. Because of this, they may need to move to an assisted living facility because they need help with their basic needs. An excellent alternative to an assisted living facility is hiring an in-home elderly caregiver in your area. He or she will help your senior loved one with his or her ADLs so that the aging adult can better enjoy his or her senior years. [Read More]

Taking Care Of A Diabetic Parent? How Hiring An In-Home Nurse Can Help

If you have an elderly parent that lives with you, you may be his or her caregiver—especially if he or she has an illness like diabetes. However, according to WebMD, a lot of caregivers are at risk for depression, because their role causes daily stress and causes them to neglect their own needs. You may not feel like you have the time to help your parent if you work, go to school, need to run errands, etc. [Read More]